Wednesday, 1 December 2010

Shocking advent calendar revealing domestic abuse is unveiled

AN advent calendar highlighting domestic abuse in Scotland will be unveiled today as part of a Christmas anti-violence campaign.

Domestic abuse intensifies over Christmas and the online calendar highlights the scale of the problem.

The project has been developed by Scotland's Violence Reduction Unit and every day until December 25, the calendar will reveal a shocking statistic or fact relating to the horrors of domestic abuse in Scotland.

Chief Inspector Graham Goulden, who is leading the campaign, said: "Sadly, Christmas and New Year are peak periods for domestic abuse.

"We wanted to highlight this and raise awareness of the fact that, for many victims, domestic abuse isn't just a one-off event, it's something that happens day in, day out.

"We know there will be people out there for whom Christmas will not be a happy time. Often it will not just be the victim that suffers - children living in households where there is domestic abuse are at risk too.

"This kind of behaviour devastates families, and will not be tolerated in 21st-century Scotland." Police no longer need a statement to make an arrest but can act on the basis of any evidence of violence or threatening behaviour.

Forces across Scotland will take part in the clampdown, which runs from December 2010 - January 2011.

Past campaigns have been a huge success. Last year, Strathclyde Police said incidents fell by 42 per cent.

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