Friday, 17 December 2010

Many Reasons Why Do You Buy And Sell Structured Settlements

Why Do You Buy And Sell Structured Settlements

The tragedies suffered by victims of work site accidents or road accidents destroy a person both physically and financially. Coping with such tragedies and major life-altering events become even more stressful with medical bills and future financial uncertainty looming ahead. Compensation to victims today work more on structured settlements principle that divides the compensation into periodic installments that help with lifelong needs.

Structured settlement is a legal agreement whereby the defendant agrees to a payment of a fixed and regular amount to the victim as compensation. These installments can be worked to provide tax benefits unlike lump sum settlements, bank deposits or other investment. It is beneficial in cases where the victim needs medical therapies and check-ups that last years after the accident. Structured settlement enables the victim to meet his medical needs. This system allays the general fears of improper and unwise spending which normally occurs when a huge sum is received at one go.

While structured settlements have its benefits, many victims may prefer lump sum payments. However in such circumstances he can always trade his annuity. Selling and buying of structured settlements have several legal repercussions to them. Also different are the insurance company terms on these. Also consult with your insurance company before proceeding with sale as they too have their legal guidelines affecting such sale. Checking whether the law in your state permits it is the first step.

A structured settlement buyer must be sought only after good analysis of available offers. Most of the investment firms eagerly pursue settlement contracts. The attraction for the buyer is the continuous and legally guaranteed annuities whereas the seller is looking for a huge instant payout in these deals. The buying company’s history should be looked upon for avoiding pitfalls. There are many fraud companies which cheat you once the paper work is done and disappear from the scene. Always ensure a good attorney represents you who will be able to help you handle such transactions.

Purchasers of structured settlements also need to look out for invalid deals. It would be best if a court ruling establishes the transfer of rights to the buyer’s favor to prevent any unwanted disputes in the future. Whether you are buying your structured settlement or selling it to an investment company, proper vigilance and precautions are mandatory.

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1 comments: on "Many Reasons Why Do You Buy And Sell Structured Settlements"

Anonymous said...

You can find reputable companies online. It is important to contact more than one company in order to be able to evaluate the best for structured settlements

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